The Babolat story begins with a family business and its first venture into the world of sport in 1875, when tennis and badminton were still in their infancy. The Lyon-based brand owed its early success and expertise to a raw material - natural gut - from which the first racquet strings were made. It subsequently became the leader in racquet-sports equipment - frames, strings, shoes, clothes, balls, grips, accessories, and bags - and technical equipment for racquet preparation professionals.  Building on its tradition of innovation in support of players and the game, Babolat rose up the rankings as the choice of champions playing at the world’s most prestigious badminton, tennis and padel competitions.


BABOLAT Categories

BABOLAT Padel Rackets (8)

BABOLAT Padel Bags (5)

BABOLAT Padel Shoes (7)

BABOLAT Padel Balls (2)

BABOLAT Padel Equipment (11)

BABOLAT Padel Racket Technical Viper Juan Lebron Limited Edition 2025

In stock

AED 1,750.00


In stock

AED 165.00

BABOLAT Padel Backpack RH Perf

In stock

AED 495.00

BABOLAT Padel Backpack RH Perf Multicolor

In stock

AED 495.00

BABOLAT Padel Bag RH Lite Black White

In stock

AED 320.00

BABOLAT Padel Bag RH Lite Grey

In stock

AED 320.00

BABOLAT Padel Bag RH Pro Juan Lebron

In stock

AED 580.00

BABOLAT Padel Ball Ace X3

In stock

Original price was: AED 35.00.Current price is: AED 30.00.

BABOLAT Padel Ball Court X3

In stock

Original price was: AED 30.00.Current price is: AED 25.00.

BABOLAT Padel Overgrip My Overgrip Refill Colors x70

In stock

AED 700.00

BABOLAT Padel Overgrip Pro Response X3 Black

In stock

AED 40.00

BABOLAT Padel Overgrip Pro Response X3 White

In stock

AED 40.00