How To Play Padel ?

How To Start Playing Padel ?
In this post we want to learn how to play PADEL. After some warm up and choosing the side you must prepare for your first serve. Then you drop the ball behind the service line and after it has bounced you hit it in to the diagonal service box on the opponent’s side.
Padel Playing Rules
The ball most be at or below waist level when the racket hits it. When the ball goes over to the opponent’s side after the serve the first bounce must hit the service box. The serve must not hit the wire fence after the bounce and if the first serve is not valid the player can take a second serve.
In play the ball must always hit the ground before hitting the walls. When the ball comes to your side you can return it with a volley after one bounce or by hitting it to the opponent’s side using the glass wall on your side.
How To Counting Points In The Padel ?
Just like tennis in Padel the team that wins a ball first gets 15 points then 30 and then 40. After winning the fourth point the team wins a serve and the first game.
But if the score is tied 40-40 a team must win two consecutive points to win.
And to win a set you need to win six games with a two game difference.
When the score is 6-6 a tie break decides the winner of the set and to win a tie break you need to get seven points with a two point difference.
And here’s a useful tip, patience pays off in Padel and you often succeed by hitting smartly instead of just hitting hard.